About Bid Fair Surety
Bid Fair Surety was established with a singular goal: to help contractors overcome the challenges of obtaining surety bonds, particularly for those facing hard-to-place situations. Our dedication to assisting clients who have been turned down elsewhere has positioned us as the go-to solution for all your bonding needs.
Our expert team, boasting extensive experience in the industry, is committed to helping you secure the necessary surety bonds to keep your construction projects on track. We pride ourselves on our fast and easy application process, competitive rates, and comprehensive construction bond packages. This approach empowers you with the confidence and support needed to tackle projects that may have once seemed unattainable.
At Bid Fair Surety, we believe every contractor deserves the opportunity to thrive in the construction business. We work diligently to provide the surety bonds you require, ensuring your projects can proceed immediately. It's our mission to partner with you in building a brighter future for your construction business.